] Top 6 merry Christmas Poems 2014

Top 6 merry Christmas Poems 2014

poems about christmas:


In today's world we are inundated with images of Christmas from the media. We are told that it is all about buying expensive gifts for each other. In today's challenging economic times it is a tragedy that parents spend way more than they can afford to try to please their children. The sad truth is that, "money can't buy you love". A holiday is about the time spent together with loved ones. It is about gifts that come from the heart, and it is the about the thousands of years of tradition that mark the holiday season.

The littlest Christmas tree,lived in a meadow of green,Among a family,of tall evergreens,He learned how to whisper,the evergreen song,with the slightest of wind,that came gently along.He watched as the birds,made a home out of twigs,and couldn't wait till, he too was big.For all of the trees,offered a home,the maple, the pine, and the oak,who's so strong."I hate being little",the little tree said,"I can't even turn colors,like the maple turns red","I can't help the animals,like the mighty old oak","He shelters them all,in his wide mighty cloak".

'Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace good will toward men'
Born unto a virgin was God's only begotten SonEmmanuel (God with us) is the title of The OneMary's father was of Judah, the linage of a kingMary's mother was a Levite, from Aaron's priestly stringThe world beheld a brilliant star a shining in the eastThe sign of Christ, The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and High Priest
'Glory to God in the highestAnd on earth peace good will toward men'
Shepherds in the field keeping watch over their flock at nightThe angel of the Lord appeared and gave them such a fright'Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy'For unto you is born this day, a Saviour, Christ the RoiThe Babe is wrapped in swaddling clothes, a lying in the hayHeavenly host gave praise to God on the greatest birthday
'Glory to God in the highestAnd on earth peace good will toward men'

"out of love flows the milk of human kindness,....for it is there to remind us.it is god's blessing from above,... to keep in mind when it comes to push and shove.if we all search our souls hard enough,....will will discover the love that lies hidden deepinside of us.
let's all try to get along,...to make life and loveone big happy song.for the world is like an apple slowlyrotting from the core,....ruled by thieves and despotswho are arming themselves for war.so,if we now all join hands and work along together as one,.....the battle will not be lost,but won.
the world is filled with trials and tribulations,rumors of war and conflagrations.let's now all pray for peace among all nations.life is one big mountain we must all climb and overcome,.....for if we fail we will surely all succumb.if we do not learnfrom history,once and for all,....our world, as we know itwill topple and fall. in our hands we hold our destiny and fate,...we must all act now,for it is getting very late."

if i had the power to change one thing in the world today,.....i would ask us all to pray.....pray for world peace,thank god that in america we have thefreedom to express out loud whatever we think or say.
pray for the safety of our brave military american men and and women and all our allied partners in our fight fordemocracy and freedom for all.pray they all return home safe and sound.....pray for our patriots and military hero's who died andwere buried on hallow ground.
pray that god continues to bless the american way of life,liberty and freedom for all.....pray that our Americanaflag always continues to waveproud and tall.
pray that all natural disasters desist and decrease,....and that our love for our worlds neighbors,only grow and increase.pray that drought never again shall appear,....pray that starvation and famine disappear.pray that the downtrodden of this world find cause forhope and peace,relief from all worry and despire,....not for just a day,but throughout the year.
so,if i had the power to change one thing in the worldtoday,....i would humbly praise god and pray.

Personally, I prefer to use "Christmas" and not "Xmas," but the history of the word “Xmas” is actually more respectable — and fascinating — than you might suspect.
First of all, the abbreviation predates by centuries its use in gaudy advertisements. It was first used in the mid 1500s.
X is the Greek letter “chi,” the initial letter in the word Χριστός. And here’s the kicker: Χριστός means “Christ.” X has been an acceptable representation of the word “Christ” for hundreds of years. This device is known as a Christogram.
The “mas” in Xmas is the Old English word for “mass.” The thought-provoking etymology of “mass” can be found here.
In the same vein, the dignified terms “Xpian” and “Xtian” have been used in place of the word “Christian.”.


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